Published on

July 16, 2024

3 min read

The Shared Calendar App Protecting Couple's Data

3 min read

In today's fast-paced world, finding quality time with your partner can be a challenge. Between work, personal commitments, and the endless distractions of modern life, it's easy for your relationship to take a backseat. But fear not, because there's a solution that can take your relationship to the next level: a couple's calendar.

A couple's calendar is not just an ordinary calendar; it's a tool that allows you and your partner to prioritize and maximize your quality time together. Whether it's a romantic dinner, a weekend getaway, or simply sharing a coffee and conversation, a couple's calendar helps you plan and commit to these moments, making them non-negotiable in your busy lives. It's about intentionally investing in your relationship and creating memorable experiences that will strengthen the bond between you and your partner.

It's hard to find time to just be "us"

There are several common challenges that couples face when it comes to finding quality time. One of the biggest challenges is simply finding the time in your busy schedules. With work, personal commitments, and other obligations, it can be difficult to carve out uninterrupted time for each other.

Another challenge is the presence of distractions. In the age of smartphones, social media, and constant notifications, it's easy to get distracted and lose focus on your partner. These distractions can prevent you from fully engaging with each other and can hinder the quality of your time together.

It's the one app you need

A couple's calendar is a powerful tool that can help you overcome these challenges and maximize your quality time together. It's a shared calendar that allows you and your partner to schedule and plan activities, dates, and moments of relaxation. By using a couple's calendar, you can ensure that you're both on the same page and committed to making your relationship a priority.!

Your Calendar Needs Protecting

Why is security important in a couple's calendar app

Privacy is paramount when it comes to a couples' calendar app, and one of the most crucial aspects of privacy is end-to-end encryption. This advanced security feature ensures that the data shared between you and your partner remains completely confidential, even from the service provider. OurCal stands out as the only couples' calendar app that offers such robust protection through end-to-end encryption.

This means that your personal and shared calendar information is shielded from prying eyes, including hackers and the app's own administrators, giving you the peace of mind that your schedules and plans are kept strictly between you and your partner. With OurCal, you can confidently share your lives without compromising on privacy, making it the ideal choice for couples who prioritize the security of their shared calendar.

What's the best couples calendar app?

Creating a couple's calendar is a simple process that can have a profound impact on your relationship. Start by choosing a calendar app or tool that suits your needs and preferences.

OurCal, the privacy-first couples calendar, offers numerous benefits for couples looking to enhance their relationship and streamline their schedules while prioritizing privacy and security.

OurCal | Private Couples Calendar, Reminders, and Chat

Here's a list of some key advantages:

  • Safely share your schedules, knowing that your data is protected with end-to-end encryption.
  • Easily coordinate plans, making date nights and vacations simpler and more enjoyable for both partners.
  • Receive personalized reminders for important dates, ensuring you never forget special moments in your shared journey.
  • Simplify household management and shared responsibilities, creating a more harmonious living arrangement as a couple.
  • Together, track and achieve shared goals, strengthening collaboration in your romantic partnership.
  • By securely synchronizing schedules and tasks, OurCal minimizes conflicts and tension, enhancing the harmony in your relationship.

Streamline Relationship Communication

How to get the app:

  1. Download OurCal from the App Store or Google Play
  2. Create your calendar group, it takes seconds
  3. Invite your partner with a link you can share anywhere
  4. Share life together in your new shared calendar, instantly

Other Couples Calendar Apps

There are many options available, ranging from basic digital calendars to more advanced apps specifically designed for couples.

Tips for maximizing quality time using a couple's calendar

While a couple's calendar is a powerful tool, it's important to use it effectively to maximize your quality time. Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your couple's calendar:

1. Be realistic: When scheduling activities, be mindful of your time constraints and energy levels. Don't overload your calendar with too many commitments, as this can lead to stress and burnout.

2. Mix it up: Variety is key to keeping your relationship exciting and fresh. Schedule a mix of dates, activities, and moments of relaxation to keep things interesting.

3. Communicate openly: Use the couple's calendar as a communication tool. Discuss your preferences, interests, and expectations for your quality time. This ensures that both partners feel heard and included in the planning process.

4. Be flexible: While it's important to stick to your scheduled quality time, be open to flexibility. Life happens, and sometimes plans need to change. Adaptability is key to maintaining a healthy and balanced relationship.


In a world filled with distractions and constant busyness, finding quality time with your partner is more important than ever. By using a couple's calendar, you can prioritize and maximize your quality time, taking your relationship to the next level. Whether it's a romantic dinner, a weekend getaway, or simply sharing a coffee and conversation, a couple's calendar helps you plan and commit to these moments, making them non-negotiable in your busy lives. Embrace the power of a couple's calendar and watch your connection flourish like never before.



Share calendars safely to organise life together


Share calendars safely to organise life together

Published on

Jan 25, 2024

3 min read

The Shared Calendar App Protecting Couple's Data

In today's fast-paced world, finding quality time with your partner can be a challenge. Between work, personal commitments, and the endless distractions of modern life, it's easy for your relationship to take a backseat. But fear not, because there's a solution that can take your relationship to the next level: a couple's calendar.

A couple's calendar is not just an ordinary calendar; it's a tool that allows you and your partner to prioritize and maximize your quality time together. Whether it's a romantic dinner, a weekend getaway, or simply sharing a coffee and conversation, a couple's calendar helps you plan and commit to these moments, making them non-negotiable in your busy lives. It's about intentionally investing in your relationship and creating memorable experiences that will strengthen the bond between you and your partner.

It's hard to find time to just be "us"

There are several common challenges that couples face when it comes to finding quality time. One of the biggest challenges is simply finding the time in your busy schedules. With work, personal commitments, and other obligations, it can be difficult to carve out uninterrupted time for each other.

Another challenge is the presence of distractions. In the age of smartphones, social media, and constant notifications, it's easy to get distracted and lose focus on your partner. These distractions can prevent you from fully engaging with each other and can hinder the quality of your time together.

It's the one app you need

A couple's calendar is a powerful tool that can help you overcome these challenges and maximize your quality time together. It's a shared calendar that allows you and your partner to schedule and plan activities, dates, and moments of relaxation. By using a couple's calendar, you can ensure that you're both on the same page and committed to making your relationship a priority.!

Your Calendar Needs Protecting

Why is security important in a couple's calendar app

Privacy is paramount when it comes to a couples' calendar app, and one of the most crucial aspects of privacy is end-to-end encryption. This advanced security feature ensures that the data shared between you and your partner remains completely confidential, even from the service provider. OurCal stands out as the only couples' calendar app that offers such robust protection through end-to-end encryption.

This means that your personal and shared calendar information is shielded from prying eyes, including hackers and the app's own administrators, giving you the peace of mind that your schedules and plans are kept strictly between you and your partner. With OurCal, you can confidently share your lives without compromising on privacy, making it the ideal choice for couples who prioritize the security of their shared calendar.

What's the best couples calendar app?

Creating a couple's calendar is a simple process that can have a profound impact on your relationship. Start by choosing a calendar app or tool that suits your needs and preferences.

OurCal, the privacy-first couples calendar, offers numerous benefits for couples looking to enhance their relationship and streamline their schedules while prioritizing privacy and security.

OurCal | Private Couples Calendar, Reminders, and Chat

Here's a list of some key advantages:

  • Safely share your schedules, knowing that your data is protected with end-to-end encryption.
  • Easily coordinate plans, making date nights and vacations simpler and more enjoyable for both partners.
  • Receive personalized reminders for important dates, ensuring you never forget special moments in your shared journey.
  • Simplify household management and shared responsibilities, creating a more harmonious living arrangement as a couple.
  • Together, track and achieve shared goals, strengthening collaboration in your romantic partnership.
  • By securely synchronizing schedules and tasks, OurCal minimizes conflicts and tension, enhancing the harmony in your relationship.

Streamline Relationship Communication

How to get the app:

  1. Download OurCal from the App Store or Google Play
  2. Create your calendar group, it takes seconds
  3. Invite your partner with a link you can share anywhere
  4. Share life together in your new shared calendar, instantly

Other Couples Calendar Apps

There are many options available, ranging from basic digital calendars to more advanced apps specifically designed for couples.

Tips for maximizing quality time using a couple's calendar

While a couple's calendar is a powerful tool, it's important to use it effectively to maximize your quality time. Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your couple's calendar:

1. Be realistic: When scheduling activities, be mindful of your time constraints and energy levels. Don't overload your calendar with too many commitments, as this can lead to stress and burnout.

2. Mix it up: Variety is key to keeping your relationship exciting and fresh. Schedule a mix of dates, activities, and moments of relaxation to keep things interesting.

3. Communicate openly: Use the couple's calendar as a communication tool. Discuss your preferences, interests, and expectations for your quality time. This ensures that both partners feel heard and included in the planning process.

4. Be flexible: While it's important to stick to your scheduled quality time, be open to flexibility. Life happens, and sometimes plans need to change. Adaptability is key to maintaining a healthy and balanced relationship.


In a world filled with distractions and constant busyness, finding quality time with your partner is more important than ever. By using a couple's calendar, you can prioritize and maximize your quality time, taking your relationship to the next level. Whether it's a romantic dinner, a weekend getaway, or simply sharing a coffee and conversation, a couple's calendar helps you plan and commit to these moments, making them non-negotiable in your busy lives. Embrace the power of a couple's calendar and watch your connection flourish like never before.

Onin is a secure calendar app for your personal and social life. The app is currently invite-only as we gradually roll out early-access to our waitlist. For regular updates, follow us on Twitter.