

Where is my email verification code?

Where is my email verification code?

Your OurCal email verification code is sent to the email address listed as your OurCal account's secondary authentication method.

Please check this inbox for your verification code. If it doesn’t appear in this inbox, please check your spam folder.

"Sign in with Apple" Users

If you signed up using Continue with Apple, Apple is routing your email verification code to one of your Apple ID’s verified email addresses.

To view these email addresses:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone
  2. Tap your name at the top
  3. Tap "Name, Phone Numbers, Email." Here, your Apple ID (primary email address) will be listed under "Contactable At."

Your verification code will be in the inbox listed as your primary email address in this screen. If it doesn’t appear in this inbox, please check your spam folder.

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